Z aplikatorjem za mazivo Lube Shooter, ki je enostaven za uporabo, lahko svoje najljubše mazivo nanesete točno tja, kamor želite, in v pravi količini - na spolno igračo ali neposredno v anus! Lube Shooter je primeren za večkratno uporabo, ponovno polnjenje in enostavno čiščenje.
Težavo poznate: imate novo spolno igračko, kot je analni čep ali dildo, in želite osebno mazivo nanesti enakomerno in brez razlitja. Vendar se pogosto zgodi, da lubrikant konča na posteljni rjuhi, da so vaše roke spolzke ali da ga vaš partner ne nanese dovolj. Tukaj je rešitev: MEO-jev lubrikantni strelec! Deluje kot injekcijska brizga in lubrikant dostavi točno tja, kjer je najbolj potreben. "Napolnite ga in ga izstrelite!" -
lahko je tako preprosto.Poudarki:
Lubrikant, znan tudi kot aplikator lubrikanta, ni le praktičen pripomoček, temveč lahko tudi bistveno izboljša izkušnjo z analnimi spolnimi igračami, kot so analni čepi ali dildi. Ena od glavnih prednosti je, da lahko lubrikant prodre globlje. Tako se lubrikant znajde točno tam, kjer je najbolj potreben, in zagotovi enakomerno porazdelitev po celotnem analnem kanalu. To je še posebej pomembno, saj anus za razliko od vagine ne proizvaja lastnega lubrikanta. Zadostna količina lubrikanta zmanjša trenje in naredi vstavljanje spolne igrače udobnejše in varnejše. Zmanjša tudi tveganje poškodb zaradi prevelikega trenja ali neenakomerne porazdelitve lubrikanta. Še ena prednost: je čistejši. Z lubrikantom lahko lubrikant nanesete točno tja, kjer je potreben, ne da bi ga razlili ali zapravili.
Na splošno uporaba lubrikanta z erotično igračo zagotavlja bolj gladko, varnejšo in prijetnejšo izkušnjo.Uporaba:
Lubrikant je zdaj točno tam, kjer mora biti - brez nereda, madežev ali odpadkov. Lube Shooter je primeren tudi za vodo in druge tekočine. Dolg je 190 mm, ima premer 15 mm in je izdelan iz trpežne plastike, ki jo je enostavno čistiti.
Nujna oprema za vse, ki cenijo čisto in učinkovito nanašanje maziva!Več informacij:
Schlank und komfortabel zum einführen, hilft auch innen einen schöne Gleitfähigkeit zu schaffen speziell wenn es um dehnungsspiele geht.
Lube Shooter - Gleitgelspritze
Man kennt es ja: da ist man mitten "im Gefecht" und eigentlich braucht man noch ein bisschen Flutsch für ein geileres Erlebnis. Blöd nur, wenn man schon "alle Hände voll hatte"...die Spritze lässt sich easy aufziehen und genau da Gleitgel hingeben, wo man dieses braucht: sauber und gezielt. ;Macht das Leben wesentlich einfacher.;)
The Lube Shooter makes anal sex an absolute dream.
Once the lube was dispensed inside me I began playing with a toy, sliding the dildo inside me I was fascinated at the ease of insertion and how the toy was coated in lube when I slid it out. Another exciting aspect of using the Lube Shooter is the way the lube trickles out of me after insertion. This is great for fantasy play as it very much does look like a “cream pie”.
Anally the Lube Shooter makes anal sex an absolute dream. It is without doubt lube makes anal easier but having it already inside you seems to reduce the friction ten-fold. I found my own personal preference was to only use half a tube anally as a full tube felt too messy. It felt like a douche when using it before sex.
Read full review: http://candysnatchreviews.com/meo-lube-shooter-review/
Praktisch wenn man Jockstraps trägt
Praktisch wenn man Jockstraps trägt, dann saut man sich die Unterwäsche nicht ein und der Schuss geht direkt in den Arsch.
Amazing lube shooter
It seems a little weird at first thought. However, after first use I will use again and again.
I was able to store the lube in the syringe until the perfect time. The cap prevented any leaks, and is possibly the cleanest and quickest (takes literally seconds) way of inserting lube I've found. I also found I used less lube than usual as I could insert straight in without any messing around.
It cleans up easy as it separates into 3 parts, cap, plunger, and body, allowing effective cleaning.
Does the job nicely
This is a handy gadget that delivers a useful dose of lube where it's needed. It's great for use with any butt plug, especially the larger ones, as putting lube inside helps keep the outside from getting too messy. It's great before anal sex, too, for the same reason.
The tip is rounded and the device is about the thickness of my little finger, so is easy to insert. The length is just right, too. The lube is inserted at a useful depth, without discomfort, and the rings allow one handed use. It seems solid enough to last a while, too.
We've used this with several brands and thicknesses of lube and they all worked fine.
Shoots were it's needed
This product is well made and ideal for the more fluid lubes, easy to operate and it puts the lube right where its needed without any discomfort
Grease Gun
This item appears to be well made, and easy to use. easy to judge the amount of lub in the Grease Gun. Its smooth finish makes it easy to use without any discomfort. and more important easy to clean after use
Get the lube where you need it
This Grease Gun has good suction to it, so I use it on my thicker lubes (not the butters or fisting ones) that are in pots - works a treat. Helps to get lube right where it is needed without latering it everywhere. Would highly recommend this if you need lube direction.
5 Stars
Excellent & discret...!!!
Great toy :)
I enjoy a dose of someones piss with this
Für diejenigen die "Größeres" vorhaben kann man diese Gleitgel-Spritze nur empfehlen
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