Doc Johnson je v sodelovanju z družbo Motorbunny razvil najboljši hibridni spolni stroj na svetu, Motorbunny Buck, v različico, združljivo s tehnologijo Vac-U-Lock družbe Doc Johnson. Spolni strojček lahko ne le močno potiska na različne načine, temveč tudi močno vibrira. Upravljanje je izjemno preprosto, bodisi prek aplikacije (tudi na daljavo) bodisi z daljinskim upravljalnikom.
Na voljo sta dva modela tega seksa stroja: Motorbunny Original (= standard) in Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson Vac-U-Lock.
Doc Johnson je v sodelovanju s podjetjem Motorbunny prvi in najboljši hibridni seks stroj na svetu "Motorbunny Buck" dodatno razvil v različico, ki je posebej združljiva z Doc Johnsonovo patentirano tehnologijo Vac-U-Lock. Uporabite lahko na stotine Vac-U-Lock dildov ali Hunglock dildov iz MEO ® in vsakič izkusite popolnoma nov, zelo individualen seks! Seksualni stroj v obliki sedla lahko ne le močno potiska na različne načine, temveč tudi močno vibrira. Upravljanje je zelo enostavno, in sicer z aplikacijo (tudi na daljavo) ali z daljinskim upravljalnikom.
Stroj za seksanje Doc Johnson x Motorbunny Buck ima Motorbunnyjevo značilno vibracijo in moč seksanja ter dva ločena načina hranjenja. Zahvaljujoč novi združljivosti Vac-U-Lock ta stroj za mrcvarjenje ponuja neskončne možnosti za usmerjeno, prilagodljivo stimulacijo in globoko, večplastno orgazmično izkušnjo.
Če ste se naveličali aktivnosti v spalnici in si želite pustolovščine, je morda čas, da svoji običajni rutini dodate nekaj novega. Čeprav je zabavno eksperimentirati z različnimi položaji, drugim partnerjem ali novimi kraji, obstajajo še druge odlične alternative, ki jih morate preizkusiti. Naš spolni aparat Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson je odličen način za izboljšanje vašega spolnega življenja in pravo popestritev.
S seks napravo Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson lahko svojo izkušnjo masturbacije ali seksa s partnerjem dvignete na povsem novo raven! Z veliko različnimi velikostmi, oblikami in funkcijami dilda boste zagotovo našli vznemirljivo možnost, ki vam bo prinesla orgazem za orgazmom.
Vgrajena tehnologija LINK
S tehnologijo LINK podjetja Motorbunny lahko preizkusite številne vnaprej programirane gibe potiskanja v kombinaciji z vibracijami in si nadzor nad seks napravo Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson delite brezžično doma ali prek aplikacije po vsem svetu. Samo dva klika in že boste imeli varno, zasebno povezavo, ki jo boste prek SMS-sporočil delili s svojim spolnim partnerjem!
Ker je vsako telo drugačno, je za to potreben resnično izpopolnjen seks strojček! Patentirana zasnova seks naprave Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson vam omogoča kombiniranje različnih dildov z različnimi potisnimi gibi, tako kot vam je všeč. Gumbi za potiskanje določajo vrsto potisnega gibanja. "Thrust" gibi se gibljejo naravnost navzgor in navzdol. "G-Thrust" se premika navzgor in naprej. Nastavek "Thumper" je raven in rahlo rebrast, nastavek "Sweet Spot" pa je nagnjen naprej in gladek. Poleg tega je ta seks naprava opremljena z domiselnim nastavkom "Vac-U-Lock", ki omogoča uporabo vseh dildov Vac-U-Lock ali Hunglock dildov MEO®! Ne glede na to, katero vrsto stimulacije in kateri nastavek boste izbrali, boste doživeli seks svojega življenja!
Vac-U-Lock in Motorbunny
Nastavek Vac-U-Lock na domiseln način dopolnjuje pripomoček Motorbunny BUCK in zagotavlja še več možnosti med seksom. Adapter se pritrdi na sedež seks naprave Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson in služi kot podlaga za različne dilde. Tako lahko izbirate med različnimi realističnimi dildi, kurci in penisi različnih dolžin, tekstur, barv in materialov. Vac-U-Lock je odlična izbira za tiste, ki so že oboževalci MEO Hunglock dildov ali Doc Johnson seks napravic in so sanjali o tem, da bi te igrače oživili. Spolni strojček Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson močno vibrira, močno ali nežno potiska in se nikoli ne utrudi, medtem ko dildo Doc Johnson doda tisti pravi realistični pridih.
Uživajte v občutku preklapljanja med različnimi velikostmi penisa in oblikami dilda, ne da bi morali takoj zamenjati partnerja. Dildo Doc Johnson simulira pravi penis zaradi materiala FIRMSKIN, žil, spolovila in kroglic, medtem ko so dildi Hunglock MEO® veliki, črni in pohotni! Dildi so običajno dolgi od 15 do 30 cm, njihov obseg pa je do 25 cm. Za "strastne jezdece", ki želijo biti temeljito zadovoljeni, je na voljo celo dvojni penetrator. Ko seks napravo Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson opremite z nastavkom Vac-U-Lock, se lahko vsak večer vprašate: s katerim fantom naj se danes vozim? Pravzaprav je najboljša stvar pri spolnem aparatu Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson z vibratorjem MEO ® ali Doc Johnson ta, da vam nikoli ni treba skrbeti, da bi se kateri od njiju utrudil ali ohromel.
Katere so prednosti naprave Motorbunny BUCK in adapterja Vac-U-Lock?
Ne glede na to, ali seks napravo Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson uporabljate sami ali s partnerjem, je to vsestranska naprava za seks, s katero si boste želeli še več. Spolni stroj Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson je izjemno robusten stroj za seks, v katerem boste uživali še mnogo let in ki je opremljen z obsežnim naborom nastavkov. Dodatki Doc Johnson in dildi MEO ® Hunglock dopolnjujejo možnosti seks stroja Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson in vam omogočajo izbiro med različnimi dildi. V paru ali s partnerjem je seks naprava Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson fascinantna tako za moške kot za ženske, vsak pa lahko najde svojo osebno nastavitev in primeren dildo, ki ga vzburja. V razmerjih na daljavo lahko spolni aparat Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson ustvari posebno intimno izkušnjo, v kateri lahko pari uživajo, tudi če so na različnih koncih sveta. Za samske pa seks naprava Motorbunny Buck x Doc Johnson ponuja popolnoma varen način raziskovanja spolnih želja, ne da bi se pri tem izpostavljali kakršnim koli tveganjem.
Več podrobnosti:
Informacije o Motorbunny Original Sex Machine (= Standard) + LINK Bluetooth Bundle
Motorbunny Original je razkošen in popoln seksualni stroj s številnimi dodatki! Vse možnosti lahko preprosto izberete s priloženim daljinskim upravljalnikom. Motorbunny Original je mogoče upravljati tudi prek aplikacije Motorbunny App, ki jo lahko prenesete brezplačno. Zato je še posebej vznemirljivo, ko vaš partner prevzame nadzor z razdalje. Lahko pa se tudi sami preizkusite in uživate na prav poseben način! Motorbunny Original je na voljo z različnimi nastavki. S funkcijama "buzz" in "twirl" na nadzorni plošči boste doživeli tako prodorno kot vibracijsko stimulacijo. Ta naprava je primerna za vaginalno, analno stimulacijo, stimulacijo točke G ali P in zagotavlja vrhunsko izkušnjo za vsakogar! Vse gibljive dele lahko enostavno očistite z mlačno vodo in čistilom za igrače. Naprave nikoli ne potopite pod vodo! Vsebina in mere: Nizki, mali in srednji nastavek (nizki se uporablja samostojno in se uporablja za stimulacijo klitorisa, mali in srednji se uporabljata v kombinaciji z rokavom za dildo) Nizki in visoki nastavek (idealen za doseganje klitorisa), realističen rokav za dildo, daljinski upravljalnik s kablom (dolžina kabla 124,5 cm). -Univerzalni adapter za priključitev na električno omrežje (dolžina kabla 221 cm). Podroben angleški priročnik Največja obremenitev je 181 kg.
Impressed with the detail to construction of the machine. Thanks for keeping safety first!
Ein Traum wurde wahr
Nie im Leben hätte ich gedacht, dass ich so oft und so hart auf einem Fake-Schwanz kommen würde. Das Sextoy meiner Träume
Buck and Buzz a Hole Right Through the Fabric of Reality
Look... if you're here after hearing all of the tales about the Motorbunny Buck,... yes, they're all true. If you have the $$$ and you're somehow still on a fence,... the reviews might help sway you a bit but, really, just buy it. Y'all know what this thing does and if you need a little bit of that in your life. But be warned! There is nothing discreet about the Motorbunny Buck!
Live in a tiny apartment with paper thin walls? Rev this thing up and the neighbors are gonna think you're about to launch something into space. And maybe you will! Got hardwood floors (like I do)? They won't impede the Buck's functionality at all but get ready to hear 'em resonate in ways you never thought possible (and way before you get the chance to max out the dials). Thinking about keeping this stowed away for moments when your significant other isn't around? Think again! They can be halfway across the globe and the Buck's Earth-rattling power is gonna tip them off to what you're up to. If it doesn't, your silly, primal moaning will find a way to cut through dimensions and reach them. Or maybe they'll remain oblivious until the next time they see you and your legs are bowed all funny and quivering, hardly able to keep you upright. Your S.O. will say something like, "Unless you suddenly became a cowboy, [INSERT YOUR NAME HERE], and been riding the range all day, you've been up to some tomfoolery and shenanigans." and you'll cave and spill the beans. Which is fine because the Motorbunny Buck really is meant to be shared, and sharing is caring.
Those of you with interests in the occult: I'm not saying that the Buck is your solution to calling forth an elder thing with the haunting song of its people... but it's loud enough that such beings should be able to hear it. Whether they choose to awake and respond to you is their prerogative. Just... know what you're calling forth first, okay?
The Buck doesn't discriminate! As long as you/yours have/has labies or a starfish (or both, but at least one) then there's something here for you. Motorbunny has sold you (or hopefully will be selling to you soon!) the keys that unlock doors to realms you never imagined. Twist the dials toward eleven or use the BlueTooth functionality for remote control and witness the singularity. Experience the sensation of the ego being shredded apart. Along with spacetime. My goD, it's full of stars... and the incessant droning of a riding sex toy.
Has anyone mentioned how loud this device gets? Sure, your brain will melt as new forms of pleasure work their way in to every nook and cranny. But everyone's gonna know.
Hands down the best machine on the market! The Buck came in a neat package, instructions were easy to read and it was very easy to put together. The experience was absolutely amazing as the Buck feature is wonderful and the vibration is amazing but can be intense initially, so build it up slowly. The only constructive feedback I could provide is that the unit can get pretty loud but it's understandable given how strong the vibration is. I've used other machines in the past and they can't hold up to this one, it's by far the best machine on the market!
So thrusty and rumbly! Think I'm a happy bunny
Had to give this 5 stars because it's pretty special and I'm not aware of another toy like it that's so well made. I wish it had more attachments--both are just a little too firm for my taste. Would love to see a fancy triple density realistic option. The vac-u-lock attachment isn't quite the answer either as it causes toys to stick out too far (may try covering the seat with additional padding to try to fix this). Which might also help the noise! Echoing other reviewers, this thing is loud on higher vibration settings. Like loud enough to hear distinctly outside my house. And the last thing I would love to see is an option for longer thrust. Its roughly 2 inches is more than adequate but I would love to try 3. This thing is overall amazing though and I'm now a very happy (and satisfied) bunny!
Holy cow
Holy cow worth every penny! She literally melted off of it when she was done! Can’t wait to let her friends try! : )
Where do I even start! We received the Motorbunny Buck in the mail the other day and it was delivered discreetly…thank God(we were gone on vacation!) So excited to test it out it was the first thing we opened when we got back. The device and all attachments came neatly packaged and secure. Very easy to assemble with pictured instructions. I have yet to try all the different attachments but the first attachment with the black thrusting dildo was enough to give me an eye rolling orgasm. We will be writing a more detailed review once we get through all settings and options. But had to let everyone know how freaking great this was!
Die geilste Ficmaschine ever
Die geilste Fickmaschine die ich jemals probiert habe. Bin beim Orgasmus fast ohnmächtig vor Geilheit geworden. Absolutes TOP Produkt
From a male perspective I don't care for the back and forth but the up and down with the vibration gave me the hardest orgasm I've ever had. My girl loves it just as much. I 100% recommend this, I am so happy I got this compared to any other toy
The Wife Loves It!!!!!!
The wife love her motorbunny. The moment she unpackaged it, she wanted to get right on it. She has loved every minute of it.
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