Uporabljamo različne piškotke, ki jih najdete v spodnjem izboru. Potrebni piškotki so nujni za delovanje našega spletnega mesta in so zato privzeto nastavljeni. Vsi ostali piškotki nam pomagajo oblikovati našo spletno ponudbo v skladu z vašimi potrebami in jo nenehno izboljševati. Statistični piškotki nam z anonimnim zbiranjem informacij pomagajo razumeti, kako obiskovalci komunicirajo z našim spletnim mestom. Trženjski piškotki nam omogočajo izboljšanje predlaganih izdelkov na našem spletnem mestu. Te piškotke lahko upravljate tako, da kliknete spodnji gumb. Do nastavitev lahko kadar koli dostopate na našem spletnem mestu in jih ustrezno spremenite.
Alpha Male Naš stimulator 3 je kot nalašč za dojenje prostate! Stimulator iz trdnega, visoko poliranega nerjavečega jekla, ki sodi v vrhunski razred naših spolnih igračk.
Naš Alpha Male Stimulator 3 je kot nalašč za dojenje prostate! Stimulator iz trdnega, visoko poliranega nerjavečega jekla, ki spada v vrhunski razred naših spolnih igračk.
Ne morete si pomagati, da ne bi vzljubili Alpha Male 3 stimulatorja prostate iz MEO ®, saj ne le, da je elegantna spolna igrača videti dobro, ampak Alpha Male 3 preseneča tudi s svojo impresivno velikostjo in fantastično funkcionalnostjo. Izdelan v celoti iz nerjavečega jekla, Alpha Male 3 je čudovito masivna igrača, katere gladka, brezšivna površina omogoča užitek pri vstavljanju in vas zapelje v domiseln analni seks.
Vznemirljivo hladna ali vznemirljivo vroča, ta plemenita igrača lahko prodre v najgloblje predele in tam izzove orgazmične občutke. Ko ga vstavite analno, "Alpha Male Stimulator" odpre mišice zapiralke, prodre vanjo in jo masira. Če je pravilno nameščen, je možna masaža prostate pri moških, tako imenovano "dojenje".
Dva različno velika loka na koncu Alpha Male 3 in njegova posebna oblika obljubljata raznoliko zabavo, ne glede na to, ali želite v plemenitem dildu uživati analno ali ga uporabiti za dojenje prostate.
Z malo lubrikanta EZ2FUCK, AQUAMEO ali FUCKSLUT lahko stimulator prostate iz nerjavečega jekla enostavno vstavite, po uporabi pa ga hitro in higienično očistite s toplo vodo in našim čistilom za igrače VERYCLEAN.
Več podrobnosti:
General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)
V podjetju MEO pripisujemo velik pomen preglednosti in varnosti izdelkov. V okviru veljavnih predpisov EU zagotavljamo, da vsi naši izdelki izpolnjujejo najvišje varnostne standarde, da bi svojim strankam ponudili odgovorno in brezskrbno nakupovanje. Za lažje razumevanje izrazov in okrajšav, ki jih uporabljamo, smo pripravili pregled, ki pojasnjuje vse pomembne opredelitve in pomene. Ta pregled pomaga bolje razumeti lastnosti, certifikate in mednarodne standarde naših izdelkov.
General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)
Spletna stran GPSR zagotavlja, da vsi izdelki, ki se prodajajo v EU, izpolnjujejo osnovne varnostne zahteve. Služi za zaščito potrošnikov in zagotavlja, da je naše izdelke mogoče varno uporabljati.
Zakon o varnosti proizvodov (ProdSG)
Nemški zakon, s katerim se izvaja GPSR je Zakon o varnosti proizvodov (ProdSG). Ta zakon zagotavlja, da so izdelki, ki se dajejo na trg v Nemčiji, varni in brez nevarnosti za potrošnike.
Direktiva OEEO
Direktiva OEEO spodbuja okolju prijazno odstranjevanje električne in elektronske opreme, da bi preprečili nastajanje elektronskih odpadkov. Naši izdelki, za katere velja ta direktiva, so ustrezno označeni in s svojo možnostjo recikliranja prispevajo k trajnosti.
Zakon o električni in elektronski opremi (ElektroG)
Zakon ElektroG izvaja Direktivo OEEO ter ureja pravilno odstranjevanje in recikliranje električne in elektronske opreme. Podjetje MEO prevzema odgovornost za pravilno prevzemanje in odstranjevanje elektronskih izdelkov.
RoHS (omejitev nevarnih snovi)
Direktiva RoHS omejuje uporabo nekaterih nevarnih snovi v električni in elektronski opremi zaradi varovanja okolja in zdravja ljudi.
REACH (registracija, evalvacija, avtorizacija in omejevanje kemikalij)
Uredba REACH zagotavlja, da so vse kemikalije, ki se uporabljajo v EU, testirane glede morebitnih tveganj. Naši materiali so skladni s to uredbo in ne vsebujejo škodljivih kemikalij, zaradi katerih bi bil stik s kožo lahko nevaren.
UN 38.3
Ta uredba se nanaša na varen prevoz litijevih baterij in akumulatorjev. Izdelki z vgrajenimi ali zunanjimi litijevimi baterijami so preizkušeni v skladu s tem standardom, da se zagotovi, da baterije med prevozom ne predstavljajo nevarnosti.
UKCA (United Kingdom Conformity Assessed)
Po brexitu morajo biti izdelki, ki se prodajajo v Združenem kraljestvu, opremljeni z oznako UKCA. Ta oznaka potrjuje, da je izdelek skladen z britanskimi varnostnimi standardi in varen za uporabo.
Oznaka CE
Oznaka CE označuje, da so ti izdelki skladni z evropskimi varnostnimi, zdravstvenimi in okoljskimi zahtevami. Obvezna je za kategorije izdelkov, ki jih v EU urejajo posebne direktive, kot so električne naprave, igrače, medicinski pripomočki in osebna zaščitna oprema. Oznaka CE potrjuje, da so ti izdelki varni za predvideno uporabo in izpolnjujejo vse zakonske zahteve.
Izjava EU o skladnosti
Izjava EU o skladnosti je potrditev proizvajalca, da je izdelek skladen z vsemi direktivami EU. Zagotavlja, da so naši izdelki skladni z veljavnimi direktivami EU in jih je mogoče varno uporabljati.
Direktiva RED (Direktiva o radijski opremi)
Direktiva RED se zahteva za izdelke, ki uporabljajo radijske tehnologije, kot so Bluetooth ali druge brezžične povezave. Zagotavlja, da so ti izdelki skladni z varnostnimi standardi in ne povzročajo motenj pri delovanju drugih naprav.
Zaščitni razred IP (mednarodna zaščitna oznaka)
Zaščitni razredi IP kažejo, kako dobro je izdelek zaščiten pred vdorom tujkov, kot sta prah in voda. Kratica "IP" pomeni "Ingress Protection" in je dopolnjena z dvema številkama, ki označujeta stopnjo zaščite. Prva številka opisuje zaščito pred trdnimi tujki, npr. prahom ali dotikom. Razpon je od 0 (brez zaščite) do 6 (popolnoma odporno na prah). Druga številka označuje zaščito pred vodo in sega od 0 (brez zaščite) do 9 (zaščita pred visokotlačno vodo pri določeni temperaturi). Zaščitni razred IP67 na primer pomeni, da je izdelek v celoti zaščiten pred prahom (6) in je odporen tudi na začasno potopitev v vodo (7). Izdelki z oznako IPX7 bi bili posebej zaščiteni pred vodo, vendar brez navedbe zaščite pred trdnimi tujki. Za naše stranke razred zaščite IP torej označuje, ali in kako je izdelek primeren za določene pogoje, na primer za uporabo v mokrem okolju ali v intenzivnem stiku s prahom.
V MEO si prizadevamo, da bi naši proizvajalci in dobavitelji upoštevali vse te predpise in tako našim strankam ponudili varnost, kakovost in odgovorno izbiro izdelkov.
Številka izdelka MEO | 8929/00 | |
EAN ali UPC | 4044938032098 | |
Ciljna skupina | Samo za odgovorne odrasle osebe. Izdelek lahko uporabljajo le osebe, starejše od 18 let, ki se zavedajo tveganj in odgovornosti, povezanih z ravnanjem s tem izdelkom. | |
Kategorija izdelka | Spolni wellness | |
Opis izdelka | Stimulator | |
Opomba o izdelku | Neelektrični stimulatorji, ki se uporabljajo za stimulacijo klitorisa, perineja ali prostate, zahtevajo med uporabo posebno pozornost, da se zagotovita varnost in dobro počutje. Pomembno je zagotoviti, da je izdelek pred vsako uporabo in po njej temeljito očiščen, da se ohranijo higienski standardi in zmanjša tveganje okužbe. Materiale (zlasti plastične, silikonske ali gumijaste izdelke), ki se uporabljajo za izdelavo stimulatorja, je treba preskusiti glede združljivosti s kožo, zlasti pri osebah z znanimi alergijami ali občutljivostjo. Uporaba ustreznega lubrikanta lahko poveča udobje in zmanjša morebitno draženje. Poleg tega je treba natančno upoštevati navodila proizvajalca, zlasti glede priporočene uporabe in nege izdelka. Izdelke iz kovine ali drugih trdih materialov je treba redno preverjati, ali nimajo ostrih robov ali niso obrabljeni, da bi se izognili poškodbam. | |
Ime blagovne znamke | AlphaMale | |
Materiali in/ali sestavine | Iz nerjavečega jekla | |
Opozorila Materiali in/ali sestavine | Iz nerjavečega jekla Izdelki iz nerjavečega jekla so na splošno varni za splošno uporabo in ne vzbujajo posebnih varnostnih pomislekov. Kljub temu je treba biti pozoren na morebitne alergije, npr. alergijo na nikelj, saj lahko nerjavno jeklo vsebuje majhne količine niklja. | |
Čiščenje in higiena | Pred vsako uporabo in po njej temeljito očistite vse uporabljene izdelke, da zagotovite higieno. Uporabite ustrezna čistilna sredstva, kot je navedeno na zunanji embalaži ali v opisu izdelka. Upoštevati je treba navodila proizvajalca za nego. | |
Skladnost izdelka / certificiranje | REACH | |
Pakiranje | Embalaža tega izdelka je izdelana iz materialov, ki jih je mogoče reciklirati, kjer je to mogoče. Embalažo je treba odstraniti v skladu z lokalnimi smernicami za recikliranje. | |
Navodila za odstranjevanje | Ta izdelek in njegovo embalažo je treba odstraniti na okolju prijazen način v skladu z lokalnimi predpisi. Upoštevati je treba navodila za odstranjevanje na embalaži. Pri elektronskih izdelkih je treba upoštevati smernice OEEO za odstranjevanje električne in elektronske opreme. Če je izdelek pokvarjen ali ga ne potrebujete več, ga je priporočljivo, odvisno od vrste izdelka, popraviti ali, če izdelka ne potrebujete več, prodati prek trga rabljenih izdelkov, da podaljšate njegovo življenjsko dobo in ohranite vire. V zvezi s prodajo baterij ali akumulatorskih baterij ali dobavo naprav, ki vsebujejo baterije ali akumulatorske baterije, Odlok o baterijah (BatterieVO) določa, da se baterije ne smejo odlagati skupaj z gospodinjskimi odpadki. Obstaja zakonska obveznost vračila uporabljenih baterij, ki jih lahko brezplačno vrnete prodajalcu (MEO Vertriebs GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Str. 9, 45699 Herten) ali občinskemu zbirnemu centru na vašem območju. Baterije lahko prodajalcu pošljete tudi po pošti. Baterije in akumulatorske baterije, ki vsebujejo nevarne snovi, so označene s simbolom prečrtanega koša za smeti. Ob tem simbolu je navedeno kemijsko ime onesnaževala. "Cd" pomeni kadmij, "Pb" svinec in "Hg" živo srebro. | |
Datum izdelave in uvoza | Datum proizvodnje in uvoza je naveden na embalaži izdelka ali na naši etiketi. Te informacije zagotavljajo preglednost in varnost, saj jasno označujejo datum proizvodnje ali uvoza izdelka. | |
Garancije in pogoji vračila | Uporabljajo se določbe naših veljavnih splošnih pogojev poslovanja (SPP), zlasti § 9 Garancija in § 10 Omejitev odgovornosti. Podrobne informacije o tem so na voljo v celotnem besedilu splošnih pogojev poslovanja. | |
Proizvajalec | MEO Vertriebs GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Str. 9, 45699 Herten, Nemčija. Telefon: +49 2366 500500, e-pošta: [email protected] |
Če obstaja sum na resen incident v zvezi z uporabo izdelka, je treba proizvajalca, uvoznika in družbo MEO Vertriebs GmbH nemudoma obvestiti na naslov [email protected].
Če so v tem podatkovnem listu izdelka kakršne koli napake ali pomote, nas o tem nemudoma obvestite, da jih lahko čim prej popravimo.
Perfektes Design für Prostata & G-Spot
Durch den Radius bekommt der push direkt auf die Prostata oder G-Spot.
Durch den Edelstahl reicht bereits sanfter Druck um intensiver stimmulation zu erzeugen.
Massive Qualität und klare Empfehlung
Wow!!! What an awesome feeling
Stainless steel represents power and demands respect. This double ended anal plug features exaggerated curve design with different size bulbous heads. Good to gradually open and relax the anus to milk the P-spot. Steel increases sensitivity and enhances orgasms. Smooth hand polished surface for easy insertion. Can be heated or cooled. Feels heavy and solid.
von höchst geilem Gebrauchswert
Als auch an analer Befriedigung interessierter Hetero-Mann lasse ich mich gern von meiner Dame mit diesem wunderbaren Stimulator behandeln. Nach einen längeren Kontakt mit der kleineren Kugel zum Anwärmen darf und kann ich die größere Kugel genussvoll aufnehmen. Wie von anderen Kunden schon beschrieben wird die Prostata durch diese Stimulation in stetem Fluss vollständig entleert. Manuelle Stimulation am Luststab ist dabei nicht notwendig Deshalb spreche ich hier eine umfassende Empfehlung aus.
Freihändig abspritzen
Dieses geniale Toy von www.meo.de hat mir einen Traum erlaubt: Durch Stimulation der Prostata freihändig abzuspritzen! Ein unglaubliches Gefühl, so intim und so intensiv. Ich kann mich nur für das unvergessliche Erlebnis bedanken und das Produkt jedem Mann, ob hetero oder gay, empfehlen.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away…
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away… This is how most epic stories begin, so my youth tells me, and so I thought it only right to start my epic review of the Alpha Male 3 Stimulator from MEO in a similar manner.
The Alpha Male 3 is an eight-and-three quarter inch C-shaped piece of stainless steel awesomeness. With ball-shaped ends sized around one-inch at the small end and around one-and-three-quarter inches at the large end, and weighing in at practically one whole kilo, this is a serious toy. I have long lusted after the Njoy wand that the Alpha Male 3 takes its inspiration from, but that want has now departed.
The manufacturing on this piece of stainless steel is top-notch, but that comes as no real surprise, since everything I’ve had from MEO has been of the toppest most quality. Silver, shiny, heavy – the Alpha Male 3 really is a thing of beauty.
Step away from that beauty for a moment, get it greased up (I used the MEO EZ2Fuck lube), and let’s see if it’s actually any good.
I’m one of those guys who prefers his prostate stimulation of the non-vibrating type – I’ve had great success in the past with metal anal toys – so I have high expectations for the Alpha Male 3.
Starting with the smaller end, it is an absolute doddle to insert. Stainless steel is by its very nature non-draggy, so the addition of lube lets it slip in with absolute ease, although you may want to pause to enjoy the temperature sensations on the sensitive skin around your bumhole. The shaft, with a girth around two thirds of an inch, sits between your sphincter with great comfort, leaving you to concentrate on locating that P-spot.
Now, I don’t know if my prostate possesses marvellous magnetic magic properties, but the Alpha Male 3 was drawn to my P-spot. It connected with it immediately, and I’m sure the clunk I heard was actually myself gasping at the immediate and intense stimulation.
So maybe you don’t need to concentrate on locating that P-spot, since the Alpha Male 3 stimulator does it for you. The weight of the dildo just presses and pleases – it’s a simple piece of prostate pleasure.
My preferred posture is laying on my side, knees up, almost foetal-like. In this position, the weight of the dildo causes it migrate to the side, but a little lateral movement soon brings it back on track. Just laying there with it pressing on my prostate, my breathing shortened, I could tell that this was going to be one hell of a ride.
Grabbing the end of the dildo, I increased the pressure by pulling up on the dildo, my butthole acting as a fulcrum. Holy shizzles, I nearly hit the ceiling – seriously it’s as if the Alpha Male 3 stimulator was made for my anatomy. Once I had calmed down from this intense sensation, I was able to concentrate and actually massage my P-spot. Using small back/forward motions, increasing and decreasing the pressure, it wasn’t long before my cock started to leak that watery pre-cum type liquid that I associate with prostate play.
For me, sometimes prostate stimulation results in an erection, sometimes not. This first use did not – but I don’t really care, since the feelings were so strong that nothing penile could match it. After a short while, I began little thrusts in place of the rocking motion, and almost immediately I felt a warm tingling moving outward from my prostate, engulfing my groin, and radiating up my back and down my hamstrings.
The sensations were so enormous that I found it difficult to maintain the nuanced thrusting, and found myself instead performing haphazard jerks. This just had the effect of driving my impending prostate orgasm forward, and just a second or two later, I was overcome by the white light of a deep deep prostate orgasm that lasted for almost 40 seconds. Still no erection, but plenty of mess.
I love the Alpha Male 3 Stimulator, it just does it for me, no questions. Each and every time I use it I just get super messy, mega intensive prostate orgasms. It can have me on my knees in a matter of a few minutes, or it can string me out for a mindblowing long session.
I have progressed from the small end, to the large end now, with equally as explosive results, and although it can be challenging getting it in, it adds a little something extra. The best way I’ve found for inserting the large end, is to start with the small. If I pop the small end in and out a few times, which in itself is massively pleasing, and I find that it helps me ease the larger end in when I am ready.
And that little something extra? Well, that comes after orgasm, the stretch and pop upon extraction, post orgasm is exquisite, and makes using the larger end worthwhile in itself. Since, for me, I can’t really notice much difference between the large and small ends for prostate stimulation. The Alpha Male 3 is just so damn good at finding my spot, that it doesn’t matter if I go large or small.
And what is really really brilliant, is that afterwards, since it’s made from such a lovely material, cleaning it is so incredibly simple, although sometimes I feel like my legs aren’t strong enough to carry it to the bathroom.
After having a few (loads) of goes with it myself, I introduced M to The Alpha Male 3 Stimulator – in the name of science, we wanted to see if it could also stimulate the Alpha Female.
M is just as much a fan of chilled dildos as I am. So, having hidden the dildo on the windowsill (it’s November!), it was suitably chilled when, mid-session, I grabbed it and said how about this?
Her eyes lit up, which as all I needed to continue. Making sure to lube it up well, I placed the smaller ball at the entrance to her vagina and pushed it slowly in. She drew her breath at the coldness, and helped me position it so the ball was sitting in the right place. Using a back/forward rocking motion on the dildo, kind of like a seesaw, she was soon enjoying some direct G-spot rubbing.
Trying a number of different simulation methods, the smaller ball of the Alpha Male 3 stimulator was able to take her quite far towards an orgasm. She didn’t like the side-to-side so much, found thrusting in a normal dildo manner a little bit bone bumping. It definitely pays to be gentle with the thrusting with this. She did however absolutely love the pressure on her G-spot, and the forward/back swaying motion, which I knew she would.
With the near orgasmic state she was in, and with the feedback she was giving me on what she liked, I just knew she had to have the bigger ball inside her. She was a little nervous, but I pointed it out that it was only really like having 3 of my fingers inside her, and well, she loves that.
So, with a bit more lube, we tried the larger end. The effect was immediate – it instantly pushed her over the edge, into the type of orgasm where she needed to grab hold of something and squeeze. That something happened to be my arm and geez does she have a firm grip.
When the orgasm had ebbed away, I tried the rocking technique she had loved from the smaller ball. Immediately she came again, twice. Lots of body thrashing and panting and OMGs, I carried on with the rocking technique through them all.
It seemed where the Alpha Male 3 stimulator had an inherent way of finding my prostate, so too with finding M’s G-spot. Little to no effort is required to produce some absolutely awesome orgasms.
M loves the way the large end feels so full. This is its secret, I think, for M, the size of that large ball is just so perfect – it hits her G-spot, her AFE-zone, her cervix and everywhere else all at the same time and to such wow results. The fact the balls are seamless with the shaft of the dildo on one side, but decidedly hooked on the other is, I think, key to the efficacy of the Alpha Male 3 stimulator.
And yes, it has elicited that most sought after of all orgasmic delights – the female ejaculate. Our poor sheets.
So, Alpha Male 3 Stimulator, there’s gonna be proper fights over this one, and given the Dynamic of our sexual relationship, I can only see one winner.
G-spotting toy with the pricey commitment
This toy is very reminiscent of the Njoy Pure Wand. Just a cheaper version, which isn’t a bad thing by any means. It’s great for g-spotting, temperature play, prostate massage, and it’s got some nice weight to it. It’s actually pretty heavy. Some might like this toy for thrusting and some might like for rocking it back and forth while it’s inside of them. I like it for both. I enjoy using it with a strong clit vibe like a bullet or a wand massager for an intense orgasm. If you’re not completely familiar with toys that have a super curve (Man or Woman) then this one might throw you for a curve the first time you use it. The funny thing about toys like these, is that it forces to learn more about your body and what you like. Definitely a great alternative to the Pure Wand if you don’t want to commit to the price.
I bloody love it !
The double ended style of this dildo is fantastic, because it offers you versatility. That said, the larger end is far more achievable than you may think. With ball ends of 27mm and 45mm, there’s quite a difference, but stainless steel is so easy to use, and requires very little, if any, added lubrication. You can also use any lubrication you chose with stainless steel, which is great if you prefer silicone over water based. Like temperature play? If you do, stainless steel is your best friend! It can either be warmed up in warm water, or cooled down in cold water or the fridge (not the freezer, you don’t want freezer burn!), depending on your preferences, and it holds it’s temperature really well. You may expect it to feel similar to a glass toy, but it’s in a whole different league. For me, stainless steel is always much colder straight out of the box than glass, and it retains warmth or cold much more effectively than glass does. The sheer weight of it really adds to the experience too, something which glass just doesn’t offer. It’s suitable for both G-Spot and P-Spot stimulation too, and because it can be sterilized, you can really share the love!
So, how does it feel in use? FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC! It’s like this thing has sat-nav to my G-Spot … the curve, and the weight, and the unrelenting hard surface, means it never fails to hit my sweet spot, and almost always instantly. The smaller end is where I initially started, but it’s the larger end that keeps me going back for more now, it’s incredible. The pressure it exerts on my vaginal walls is just pure bliss, and my G-Spot responds to it effortlessly, hitting me with that familiar ‘I need to pee’ sensation in super quick time, it’s a squirty girl’s dream! It’s like this dildo has a secret form of communication with my body, that I don’t really understand, but my body conforms and falls at the metaphorical feet of this toy … It’s the Vag Whisperer! You may think I’m exaggerating a little there … I’m not!
The curve of the metal is extreme enough to give great internal stimulation, but isn’t so harsh that it becomes impossible to thrust with. Which is music to my ears, because not being able to thrust with this dildo would be practically criminal! I love how it effortlessly brings me close to orgasm, without any annoying scrapes or pulls that can sometimes happen with silicone – there’s absolutely zero drag with stainless steel. I like to pair it with some clitoral stimulation when I’m alone, which makes for some explosive orgasms, and when I’m not alone? Well I just let CK do whatever he pleases with it, and me, and I’m never left disappointed!
I have to acknowledge that it’s not going to be for everybody though. If you dislike or get no pleasure from G-Spot stimulation, then you might want to give this a miss. Equally, if you struggle with heavier toys, then I can tell you, you won’t like this. Despite it’s similarities, the Alpha Male 3 Stimulator is heavier than an njoy Pure Wand, by almost 300g, so it’s a big chunk of metal loveliness! I love the weight, and the sheer feelings of delight, as it strokes and rubs at my sweet spots, is enough to outweigh any arm-ache issues for me.
Because it’s non-porous, hypoallergenic, and odourless, stainless steel is a breeze to care for. It’s simply a case of cleaning it with hot soapy water or sex toy cleaner, just make sure the soap you use has no chlorine in it. It’s also advisable not to bleach it. There’s no reason why it won’t last a lifetime if cared for properly, so whilst it might be more expensive, stainless steel offers you longevity in bucket loads!
I bloody love it! If you like hard, sexy, G-spot or P-spot seeking sex toys, buy one!
Read complete review : http://www.carnalqueen.com/2015/12/meo-alpha-male-3/
Trop bien
j adore ..il est parfait il me donne beaucoup de sensation et de plaisir? Hummmm je veux bien tester d' autres modèles du même genre s'il y en a ....
Anal Orgasmus
Lustspender der Extraklasse.
Mit meinem Freund ausprobiert.
Er ist total ausgerastet. Dachte schon ein Arzt muss her LOL
Bringt mich zum Orgasmus
Gut zu greifen, schön in der Handhabe und erfüll mehr als seinen Zweck.
Preis-Leistung stimmt zu 100%
Lieferung sehr schnell. Paket diskret.
Wird immer wieder gerne genutzt und auch empfohlen ;-)
Alpha Male Prostata Stimulator
Der Alpha Male ist richtig schwer und liegt schön in der Hand. Wenn er eingeführt ist, vergisst man nicht so leicht, dass "er" da ist.
Das Einführen braucht allerdings in der Tat etwas Übung. Qualität und Gestaltung sind aber hervorragend und der Griff ermöglicht eine gute "Steuerung" und Stimulation.
Der Alpha Male hat nichts mit dem Plastikspielzeug aus dem Sex Shop zu tun - ein echter Unterschied, der den Preis rechtfertigt!
Great product
The choice of size at each end is great. Love the weight of the metal!
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