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Sponke za bradavice


Magnetne kroglice za bradavičke ali genitalno področje

Magnetne kroglice za pritrditev na bradavičke se zaradi močne magnetne sile zanesljivo držijo bradavičk in zagotavljajo intenzivno stimulacijo. Njihov obseg uporabe pa je veliko širši - pritrdite jih lahko tudi na druge občutljive dele telesa, kot sta mošnja ali presredek, in tako ustvarite različne ravni pritiska in stimulacije. Vsestranski pripomoček BDSM za avanturistične poznavalce!



na voljo


    Magnetne kroglice za bradavičke držijo zaradi močne magnetne sile (tudi na drugih delih telesa, kot so moda ali presredek).


    Magnetne kroglice za bradavičke so praktičen izum za vsakogar in ne le za skupnost BDSM.


    Naj se te kroglice zdijo še tako preproste: izjemno močne magnetne kroglice MEO zagotavljajo intenzivno stimulacijo bradavičk in navdušujejo s svojim čvrstim oprijemom in varnim držanjem.


    Naše magnetne kroglice za bradavičke se zaradi izjemno močne magnetne sile, ki je nevidna, popolnoma prilegajo bradavičkam. Zato so praktične za užitek doma ali pod majico na potovanju.


    MEO nasvet: Uporabite jih lahko tudi za druge namene (npr. za predkožko, mošnjo itd.). Preprosto pustite domišljiji prosto pot!


    Več informacij:


    • Vsako s premerom 10 mm.
    • Material: izdelan iz najboljšega, trdnega nerjavečega jekla. Vgrajeni magneti imajo tanek zaščitni premaz, ki lahko vsebuje nikelj.


    Magnetne kroglice - Posebna navodila:




    Za čiščenje uporabljajte samo alkohol ali izopropanol. Magneti ne smejo priti v stik z vodo ali čistili.


    Varnostna navodila:


    Ta izdelek ni igrača. Vedno ga shranjujte zunaj dosega otrok. Za shranjevanje priporočamo našo zaklenjeno škatlo Joyybox.


    Močni magneti lahko motijo delovanje aktivnih elektronskih vsadkov, kot so srčni spodbujevalniki ali defibrilatorji, ali magnetno aktiviranih vsadkov in ogrožajo bolnike. Med vsadkom in magnetom naj bo razdalja vsaj 20 centimetrov.


    Med magnetom in železnim predmetom ali med dvema magnetoma delujejo močne privlačne sile. Zato je pri uporabi naših magnetnih krogel potrebna previdnost. Zaradi neprevidnega ravnanja se lahko prsti ali koža ujamejo med dva magneta. To lahko povzroči modrice in hematome na prizadetih mestih.


    Magnete hranite stran od vseh naprav in predmetov, ki jih močna magnetna polja lahko poškodujejo, npr. kreditnih kartic, nosilcev podatkov, ur itd.



    To bi vas lahko zanimalo tudi:



    sm dur

    jai acheter ces boule magnetique elle sont super sur met tetons jai rajouter de electro simulation desus putain que cest bon tu jouis seul sans te toucher le pied haooooooooo


      Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs

      Rimane in posizione la maggior parte del tempo, ma ha la tendenza a tirare verso uno dei due. Può essere abbastanza doloroso, ma può anche aggiungere una dimensione extra... Lo consiglierei? Non so. Ho i miei dubbi. La dimensione del tuo capezzolo probabilmente incide su quanto sia piacevole.

      • 3 od 3 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

      MEO Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs

      I think of myself as having quite a high pain tolerance and I love using clamps and impact toys. However, when MEO sent me their Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs I had to admit defeat.

      The concept of the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs is simple but so clever. Clamps with a difference. But before I go on, first a warning. As suggested by the name MEO Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs contain magnets and this makes them unsuitable for use by people with electronic implants.

      This includes pacemakers, defibrillators or activatable implants. Magnets can disrupt these devices and MEO suggest keeping 20cm between the implant and magnet. Myself, if I had one of these devices I’d probably avoid these clamps to be sure.

      Magnetic Pull

      So, that’s the serious stuff out the way. Opening the package, I was somewhat bemused when two small silver balls fell out. This is the entire product and why they are Oh So Easy. There is no screwing or fiddling about with the orbs. Just straight on.

      Each Orb contains a super powerful magnet. Don’t underestimate the power of this at all. I found they could pull each other together with a fair distance between them. They go with a hell of a smack too.

      The general premise of the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs is simple. Put them either side of your nipple and let the magnet hold them in place. They attract together and trap your nipple between them. The applications for these little buggers is endless. They can be used on balls, cocks, clits and labia.

      Painful Pinch

      In the interests of disclosure here is where I admit I won’t be doing any of that. Without doubt the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs are the most painful clamps I’ve ever tried. They are much tighter than any regular screw or crocodile clamp. This is simply because the magnetic force is so strong.

      Applying the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs isn’t difficult. But you do need to be careful. Holding the balls in either hand you need to slowly push them on either side of your nipple. If you don’t hold them tightly the magnetic pull will literally snatch the ball from your fingers and thwack it into your nipple with a hell of a bite.

      Hard to Move

      I can only imagine the pain levels if this was applied to your clit or balls. I found once in place either side of my nipple the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs stayed put with no problem at all. In fact, they are difficult to remove. Even more so with slippery fingers. The magnet is so strong you kind of slide the balls off each other. If you have lube or bodily fluids on your fingers this is almost impossible.

      Describing the pain of using the Oh So Easy Magnetic Orbs is hard. I found the pinch was so strong it led to a kind of heat within my nipple. At first this was extremely exciting but I quickly found the pain was too strong. Luckily, I was in a position to remove them but I imagine had I not been I’d have quickly been engaged in some pretty heavy-duty begging.

      Each orb measures around 10mm in diameter so storage is simple, but due to the nature of the magnets you must be careful where you put them. The orbs are silver in colour and are metal coated giving them a real hard pinch.

      Read full review: http://www.candysnatchreviews.com/meo-oh-easy-magnetic-orbs/

      • 5 od 5 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

      Geile Dinger

      halten super an nippeln und auch an der vorhaut ... macht spass damit zu spielen :-)))

      • 1 od 1 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

      Not for the faint hearted

      therese are very strong - they offer prolonged pain to sensitive or inexperienced nipples. I also used on my penis head and misjudged the placement and have grazed my cock when the fle together. Very strong so need gentle and considered placement.

      • 6 od 6 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

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      Magnetne kroglice za bradavičke ali genitalno področje

      Magnetne kroglice za bradavičke ali genitalno področje

      Magnetne kroglice za pritrditev na bradavičke se zaradi močne magnetne sile zanesljivo držijo bradavičk in zagotavljajo intenzivno stimulacijo. Njihov obseg uporabe pa je veliko širši - pritrdite jih lahko tudi na druge občutljive dele telesa, kot sta mošnja ali presredek, in tako ustvarite različne ravni pritiska in stimulacije. Vsestranski pripomoček BDSM za avanturistične poznavalce!

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