V nahrbtnik Toy Bag podjetja MEO® lahko udobno shranite vse svoje igrače in pripomočke. Ta kul nahrbtnik združuje športnost z urbanim duhom in je praktičen spremljevalec na križarjenju, potovanjih, počitnicah ali na plaži.
V nahrbtnik MEO® Monostrap lahko udobno shranite vse svoje igrače in pripomočke. Ta kul nahrbtnik združuje športnost z urbanim duhom in je praktičen spremljevalec na potovanjih, počitnicah ali na plaži.
Naš nahrbtnik je opremljen z oblazinjenim hrbtiščem in diagonalnim odpiranjem ZIP. Na notranji strani ima majhen stranski žep na zadrgo, na zunanji strani pa mrežast žep (npr. za plastenko vode). V naramnico lahko pospravite tudi mobilni telefon ali predvajalnik MP3.
Več podrobnosti:
Oblazinjen hrbet, mrežast žep za mobilni telefon ali predvajalnik MP3 na naramnici, diagonalna zadrga, majhen stranski žep z zadrgo, stranski mrežast žep,
Material: poliester
Velikost torbe (Š x V x D): 34 x 45 x 13 cm,
Prostornina: 12 litrov
I know it's not a toy but I wanted to show you my new favorit backpack. It can be filled with lots of toys, has one huge pocket, a smaller one and a net for drinks or small stuff. With an adjustable shoulder strap it can fit every body typ.
Can't tell you how I love the phrase. It can be taken very dominant or in a kinky submissive way. Also the bag design itself is stylish I think.
Currently I won't go out without my new Toybag @meoteam
Toy Bag - Monostrap Rucksack
Gerade wenn man auf Partys geht, stellt sich ja oft die Frage: wie nehme ich meine Toys am besten mit. Ein normaler Rucksack ist da oft zu klobig und die Handtasche zu klein. In Form dieses Monostrap können Plugs und klammern sicher verstaut werden und er behindert auch nicht beim tanzen. Gutes Basic.
I love the branding, and the "Come play with me" slogan
This shoulder bag from Meo really does fit a need that I had, and it performs very well indeed. I have used it for several kinky BDSM sessions now, and it still surprises me at how much kit I can carry in it without going overboard.
I love the branding, and the "Come play with me" slogan from Meo is perfect for my style of fun. The small mesh pockets are incredibly useful, and the small zip pocket is ideal for my valuables. Having the double zip on the main pocket means that I can carry canes and crops with them sticking out of the top. This is a very flexible solution to the problem of carrying your kit around.
I use it for BDSM kit, but it would also be great for everyday use as well. If you are looking for a new bag, then give this one from Meo a thought and check out their other wares on their site too.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/toy-bag-from-meo-monostrap-backpack-review.html
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