Masturbator s čepom za penis je čep za penis za začetnike in je opremljen s prehodno luknjo, tako da je mogoče tudi daljše nošenje (vključno z uriniranjem ali ejakulacijo).
Naš čep za penis najde svoj končni cilj v vašem penisu, kjer ostane varno in trdno nameščen. Je absolutna uspešnica v naši trgovini BDSM.
Vtič za penis BDSM je opremljen s prehodno luknjo, da ga lahko nosite dlje časa (vključno z uriniranjem ali ejakulacijo). Po drugi strani pa se lahko čep za penis seveda uporablja tudi za nadzorne namene.
Tehnični podatki: Dialator. Izdelan po postopku CNC. Medicinsko nerjavno jeklo. Preko luknje. Dolžina približno 75 mm. V obliki vala s tremi valovi, ki se dvigajo od 5 mm do 8 mm. Na koncu je polkrogla, ki štrli iz spolovila.
Pomembno opozorilo: Higiena je pomemben vidik. Svoje roke in čep za penis temeljito razkužite z našim razkužilom v spreju "VERYCLEAN", kot je opisano v navodilih. Za vstavljanje uporabljajte samo naš lubrikant "VERYDEEP", razvit posebej za ta namen
Faites nous la même en 16 mm et elle devient un super jouet pour la masturbation car on sens bien les boules dans la queue en se branlant.
Das wellenförmige Design sorgt, insbesondere bei autoerotischen Spielen, für ein unvergessliches Erlebnis. Stell Dir ganz einfach diesen Stab in Deinem Penis vor, umschlossen von Deiner fest zupackenden Hand und einer "Handarbeit" die nur Du so gut beherrscht wie kein anderer. Einen Orgasmus mit diesem Penis Plug wirst Du NIEMALS in Deinem Leben vergessen.
Hot plug
Although I bought two plugs this one is the best. Just lucky I guess this fits like it was made for me. Not going to get tired of this anytime soon. You are a great company to deal with and you will be hearing from me again. I look forward to my next purchase. Thanks again.
Plugging Fun
I bought this item on a whim, another plug to add to the collection. This plug is fun, good size for a newbie. This is an excellent masterbation plug.
New to plug play
I bought this because I've wanted to get into urethral play and this seemed like a good starting plug. It's definitely not to big for a beginners urethra and with verydeep lube from MEO it was inserted in no time. Naturally urethral play is going to hurt if you're new to it and sure enough it did. It wasn't that bad though and hasn't turned me away because I've had worse pain from some of my Mistresses. I'd say it was a heightened orgasmic experience for me but that's just probably because this sort of stuff turns me on. If you're not into it and shoving something up your pee hole sounds like a bad idea then it's probably not for you. If it makes you curious in a good way though then I'd say give it a try;)
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