MEO's Extender je prebojni sistem za podaljševanje penisa, ki lahko z uporabo načela vleke znatno podaljša penis brez operacije. Podaljševalnik penisa je neboleč, udoben in enostaven za uporabo.
MEO's Extender je prebojni sistem za podaljševanje penisa, ki lahko z uporabo načela vleke znatno podaljša penis brez operacije.
Podaljševalnik penisa je neboleč, udoben in enostaven za uporabo.
S podaljševalnikom penisa MEO® je mogoče doseči trajno povečanje penisa.
S podaljševalnikom penisa se celoten penis raztegne v dolžino, pri čemer je mogoče prilagoditi intenzivnost. Ta poseben postopek spodbuja delitev celic v tkivu. Namen je trajno spodbujati rast tkiva, zaradi česar se penis sčasoma izjemno poveča.
Vendar ima povečanje sprva le kratkotrajen učinek; penis v nekaj urah ponovno nabrekne, nato pa se vrne na prvotno velikost. Ob redni uporabi podaljška za penis (priporočamo uporabo dvakrat na teden) pa se tkivo penisa stalno razteza, tako da se penis dolgoročno občutno poveča, tako v erekciji kot še posebej, ko ni v erekciji.
Obseg dobave: raztezalo za penis, dva mehka pritrdilna trakova in različne pritrdilne palice.
MEO's Penis Extender
It’s a big dilemma; we all want what we haven’t got! That includes a perfect package that looks and feels the part. But, if you thought that there was nothing you could do, think again! Get your hands on MEO's Penis Extender and discover the most satisfying stretch you will ever experience.
Penis Extender
This critically acclaimed penis extender has the ability to enlarge the penis length by 25%. Innovatively designed and stylishly crafted, it boasts supreme quality and durability. Using traction as a means of enlargement, it causes the cells to multiply, thereby allowing the capacity of the tissue to increase and cause the penis to grow. Not only does it aim to increase the size of your penis, it also has the ability to correct penile curvatures and it is reported to improve penile deviations by 70%.
Preis und Leistung sind sehr gut. Das hier 2cm - 3cm Wachstum in kürzester Zeit stattfindet kann ich bestätigen.
be patient and persist
Takes a little time to get used to. It seems to be possible to achieve results with the product. I have been using for almost a month and have seen some improvement in length. Best Regard, Marek from Prague.
Très content
Franchement , je suis très content car le produit est plus améliorer au niveau du blocage et à ce prix . Je régale avec , je la garde même sur moi toute la journée et même la nuit . Ce qui dit plus de résultat rapide. Merci
One week into using this and I'm glad I got this kit
This kit comes with everything needed to get started. Quality seems to be good. I wasn't sure if I needed the extension rods, but one week into using this and I'm glad I got this kit. As for being able to just wear this around the office, there is absolutely no way this is getting hidded by any clothes I wear. I would say it's strictly for home use.
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