Uporabljamo različne piškotke, ki jih najdete v spodnjem izboru. Potrebni piškotki so nujni za delovanje našega spletnega mesta in so zato privzeto nastavljeni. Vsi ostali piškotki nam pomagajo oblikovati našo spletno ponudbo v skladu z vašimi potrebami in jo nenehno izboljševati. Statistični piškotki nam z anonimnim zbiranjem informacij pomagajo razumeti, kako obiskovalci komunicirajo z našim spletnim mestom. Trženjski piškotki nam omogočajo izboljšanje predlaganih izdelkov na našem spletnem mestu. Te piškotke lahko upravljate tako, da kliknete spodnji gumb. Do nastavitev lahko kadar koli dostopate na našem spletnem mestu in jih ustrezno spremenite.
Za več informacij si oglejte naš pravilnik o zasebnosti .
Od 18
Naslednje strani so namenjene samo odraslim. Z VSTOPOM potrjujete, da ste stari vsaj 18 let.
I already have two other chastity belts but this is the first one that really fits me. The hinged ring design is perfect, the material is plastic but a very good plastic which feels valuable, no comparison to my other one that cost the same. The application is a little weird at first but ok, you just have to be careful not to pinch any skin. The chastity belt can be worn all day without problems, since nothing rattles, makes no bulge in the pants, does not slip and the balls do not turn blue. My others always slipped down on warm days, which amazingly doesn't happen with this one. Also, the chastity belt holds the "night forces" without problems and you do not have the feeling, since it is plastic, that he breaks immediately. For the money a top chastity belt that I can really wear 24/7.
This is amazing; imagine keeping him locked up while he serves your every need. With this Leather Male Chastity Dildo Harness you can receive all the pleasure you deserve and more while keeping him chaste and frustrated. The soft leather portion is shaped perfectly to fit around most chastity devices and the 50mm inner diameter steel ring will accept most flared base dildos. This strap on harness features two straps which pass around the testicles and over his buttocks; thus leaving his back end free for play too. The included cock ring can be changed out for other o-rings with the popper studs at the back.
Die E-Stim-Gerte von Dr. Sado kombiniert das Beste aus beiden Welten: den scharfen Schlag eines klassischen Instruments und den elektrisierenden Reiz der Elektrostimulation. Was dieses Toy jedoch wirklich außergewöhnlich macht, vor allem im BDSM-Kontext? Lasst es mich euch verraten! Zusätzlich zu dem Schmerz und Vergnügen, den eine herkömmliche Reitgerte oder Peitsche verursacht, bringt die Elektrostimulation ein kribbelndes und intensiveres Gefühl ins Spiel. Diese Kombination schafft ein Feuerwerk an Empfindungen, das euch den Atem rauben wird. Mein Top hat die volle Kontrolle darüber, wann die Elektrostimulation zum Einsatz kommt. Diese Extra-Portion Spannung und Vorfreude macht das Erlebnis noch aufregender. Mit der einstellbaren Intensität kann mein Top die Stärke der elektrischen Impulse variieren und somit meine Empfindungen perfekt steuern. Egal, ob ihr Streicheleinheiten oder harte Schläge bevorzugt – diese Sadomaso-Gerte bietet unbegrenzte Möglichkeiten für verschiedene Szenarien.
Dura y firme, como debe de ser el rol de un policia. Perfecta para todos aquellos amantes del spanking. -Un nivel experto para ello. Más puede servir para otros utensilios que de transmitir nada más que morbo.
As a professional dominatrix, I am always on the lookout for innovative and exciting BDSM toys that can provide my submissives with an unparalleled experience. Dr. Sado's E-Stim Paddle is a game changer that pushes the boundaries of pleasure and pain, setting new standards in the BDSM world. The electrifiable spikes on this paddle are a stroke of genius. They take electrostimulation to a whole new level by concentrating the electrical impulse on specific areas of the skin. This extraordinary feature intensifies the sensation of each stroke, adding an electrifying element to the submissive's experience. With this paddle, the combination of spanking and electrostimulation creates an incredibly powerful and exhilarating sensation that awakens all the pleasure and pain receptors. This paddle is not for the faint of heart, but for those seeking high intensity sensations it is an absolute must have in their repertoire. It allows me as a dominatrix to deliver a double dose of sensation, ensuring a session that is both surprising and intense. The electrifying spikes make each stroke more pronounced, driving the submissive's responses to new heights. Dr. Sado's E-Stim Paddle has become an essential tool in my arsenal. Its unique design, coupled with its ability to deliver heightened sensations, is unparalleled in the BDSM world. It allows me to create experiences that push boundaries and explore new dimensions of pleasure and pain. In conclusion, Dr. Sado's E-Stim Paddle is a revolutionary creation that offers an electrifying avenue for exploration within BDSM. Its ability to combine spanking with electrostimulation creates an experience that will captivate even the most experienced players. If you're ready to delve into uncharted territories of sensation, this paddle is an unparalleled companion.
I have always wanted to try these after watching others on the internet use them. These are a perfect size. I was able to insert all of them and it made me feel really full. As they were pulled out the pleasure I felt was incredible.