Nikoli več ne boste želeli masturbirati brez našega jajca! Naša jajčka Tenga Eggs Misty popestrijo vaš užitek pri masturbaciji in navdušijo z različnimi strukturami v jajčku. Zelo prožen, mehak silikon je izjemno raztegljiv, prilagodi se vsaki velikosti in vas popolnoma obkroži, tako kot trdna roka, ki vas drži.
Nikoli več ne boste želeli masturbirati brez našega jajca! Naša jajčka Tenga prinašajo raznolikost v vaše užitke pri masturbaciji in navdušujejo z različnimi strukturami v jajčku. Zelo prožen, mehak silikon je izjemno raztegljiv, prilagodi se vsaki velikosti in vas popolnoma obkroži, tako kot trdna roka, ki vas drži.
Jajce Tenga je seksi, higienično in preprosto za uporabo. Preprosto odstranite folijo in potegnite pečat z zračne luknjice. V odprtino napolnite priloženo lubrikantno sredstvo in pazite, da jajce uporabite čim prej, sicer se lahko lubrikant v notranjosti posuši.
Zdaj vstavite penis v odprtino, premikajte prožno jajce Tenga gor in dol ter se prepustite nepopisnemu občutku tesnosti, vlažnosti in pohotnosti.
Čeprav so jajca Tenga Eggs zasnovana za enkratno uporabo, jih je enostavno očistiti (obrnite z glavo navzdol in sperite). Z dodatnim odmerkom lubrikanta Aquameo gre naša igrača v drugo rundo!
Geil zum Masturbieren
Geil zum Masturbieren!
Solltet ihr mal ausprobieren.
Lässt sich sehr leicht säubern und daher auch wiederverwenden.
Incredible feeling
I've always been dubious of masturbators, having been put off by seeing Fleshlights, sex dolls and other toys. The Misty egg was just what I've been looking for. Something that is designed with pleasure in mind foremost and doesn't try to be anything other than a great experience.My bf and I used it once, then I've used it for solo play. Each time it's been incredible.
When I first got it out I thought it was tiny. I was amazed at its stretchiness and how well it clung to my penis. I can 100% recommend this product.
A good little toy
For such a small toy, it was well worth the money. It does exactly as described in the video and I got a great deal of enjoyment from it. I found that stretching it over my uncut erection and then massaging the little nodules inside over the bare head really added to the moment. I was also careful with it and kept it clean after use so it's ready for next time to be used again
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