Notranja struktura je izrazitejša za posebno stimulacijo. Notranje zračne blazine lahko poljubno prilagajate in vas stimulirajo močneje ali močneje, v svojem ritmu in dokler ne dosežete močnega orgazma.
Vakuumska skodelica Tenga AirTech za večkratno uporabo
Notranja struktura je izrazitejša za posebno stimulacijo. Notranje zračne blazine lahko poljubno prilagajate in vas stimulirajo močneje ali močneje, v vašem lastnem tempu in do močnega orgazma.
Vrhunec novega modela Tenga Air Tech? Uporabite jo lahko večkrat. Mehko notranjost pripomočka Tenga Air Tech je mogoče enostavno odstraniti. Po uporabi jo preprosto sperite z vodo in po možnosti nevtralnim milom ter jo skrbno posušite. Nato jo vstavite nazaj v plastično školjko - to najlažje storite z vrtilnim gibom in rahlim pritiskom. Naprava Tenga Air Tech je pripravljena na naslednji krog!
Tenga Air Tech je prav tako dober kot drugi masturbatorji Tenga. Kanal užitka masturbatorja Tenga Air Tech z mehkimi bradavicami stimulira vaš penis že z rahlim gibanjem naprej in nazaj. Majhno luknjico na nasprotnem koncu lahko prekrijete s prstom - potem ko je penis prodrl v napravo Tenga - in tako ustvarite izjemno intenziven učinek cmokanja in sesanja.
Del lubrikanta je priložen brezplačno.
Seveda lahko našo napravo Tenga po potrebi uporabljate tudi s kondomom.
The "hole" looks really, really tight. Which made both our fanta
The sleeve inside the masturbator was so soft I could immediately understand I had in my hands a top quality product: once I got to insert my fingers into it for curiosity's sake, I didn't want to get them out any more. I would never give up my clitoris in exchange for a penis in order to try this, but it should be definitely a great masturbation experience! The inside of the sleeve is lined by bubbles made from the soft and smooth TPE material. I guess since this is the "Strong" version, maybe it's more textured than the original vacuum cup. The lube didn't feel sticky at all, and it was completely unscented.
The "hole" looks really, really tight. Which made both our fantasies fly...
But what really impressed my Daddy was not so much the feel of the internal texture: he was amazed at how strong the suction effect can be. In his words: comparable to when I make him a real blowjob. Now don't tell me this thing is gonna dethrone me! Also, he found that the ergonomic design of the external body of his new toy is truly easy to keep in hand even when the game becomes rougher: the narrower part makes for a better grip.
Apart from my usual humour, he liked it! I'm very happy for both the quality of the product, and the shopping experience with MEO: the discreet packaging sealed for hygiene has convinced me and definitely they will hear from me again not only as a sex toy blogger, but also as a returning, satisfied customer.
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Tres bien
Des sensations intéressante et puis en plus de ça il est réutilisable car lavable. Très bon produit, mon achat est sans regret !
Sehr gut, fast wie blasen
Mal was Anderes für den Mann...also ausprobieren!
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