Ta igrača BDSM je popolna kazen za sužnje. Prav tako razveseli vsako domino ali gospodarja, ko mora suženj nositi to sredstvo za zadrževanje penisa na kolenih. Posebej vzburjajoče: Humbler se lahko uporablja za privezovanje testisov in njihovo elektrošokiranje (EStim).
Vsakič, ko se vaš podmorničar zaradi stimulacijskega toka zdrzne, se hkrati močno potegnejo njegova moda!
"Če želite svojega sužnja ponižati, je to popolna naprava, s katero ga boste spravili tja, kamor sodi: na kolena! Moške je tako enostavno nadzorovati z njihovimi jajci. Vsemu skupaj dodajte malo elektrike in opazujte, kako hitro vam bo pripravljen ubogati.": Wolf
Tisti, ki ne poznate te sadomazohistične igrače, imenovane HUMBLER z E-Stimom, se pripravite, da boste navdušeni.... ali prestrašeni: HUMBLER je ročno izdelana SM naprava, ki z integriranim varnostnim mehanizmom zgrabi podrejeno mošnjo in jo drži na mestu. Za odpiranje in zaklepanje naprave je potreben ključ, ki lastniku, tako imenovanemu imetniku ključa, omogoča izključni nadzor nad napravo.
Uporaba je zelo preprosta! Podrejeni poklekne na tla, preden si nadene napravo HUMBLER'S. Njegova mošnja se vodi nazaj skozi rahlo razširjena stegna in se namesti v odprtino naprave HUMBLER'S. Oba dela HUMBLER-ja se zložita skupaj in zapreta, tako da je mošnja zaprta, moda pa štrlijo iz HUMBLER-ja. Ko je HUMBLER nameščen, se mošnjiček potegne v dolžino in penis se močno napne. Vstajanje, pokončna drža ali hoja so praktično nemogoči. Subjekt je v tem pokornem, klečečem položaju popolnoma prepuščen na milost in nemilost aktivnemu partnerju.
Poleg teh impresivnih funkcij ima HUMBLER tudi 2 električna priključka, ki ju je mogoče priključiti na enoto za elektrosex, ki lahko pošilja mravljince in udarce v suženjsko skrotum.
Vtiča banana se lahko priključita neposredno na izdelke Folsom. Priloženi so adapterji za druge naprave za stimulacijski tok ali naprave Tens, tako da lahko s tem HUMBLERjem uporabljate enoto za elektrostimulacijo podjetja MEO, tako imenovani "SEXBOX".
Dodatne informacije:
Eine Offenbarung für den devoten Mann
MEO's Humbler ist sehr gut verarbeitet und die Anschlüsse und Schlösser sind auch als hochwertig zu bezeichnen. Die Öffnung hat genau die richtige Größe für die Hoden um nichts abzuquetschen und trotzdem einen starken Halt zu gewährleisten.
Sehr geiles SM-Toy
Sehr geiles SM-Toy einfach schön damit zu spielen und richtig ausgeliefert zu sein!
Sehr geiles SM-Toy
Sehr geiles SM-Toy einfach schön damit zu spielen und richtig ausgeliefert zu sein!
Das Anlegen des Hodenprangers ohne fremde Hilfe ist eine wahre Herausforderung. Wenn man einigermaßen geschickt ist sollte es alleine auch funktionieren.
The Name Humbler says it all
I'm a 245lb muscular man and my 130lb wife brought me and kept me on my knees with this device. anytime I tried to pull away it engages tugging tighter and tighter. she also amused herself with some CBT while using the device. I highly recommend this product if your willing to be Humbled
She has made me sleep with it on and that wasn't too bad
My Mistress ordered this for me so I would be a more obedient bitch". She was excited to see it show up and couldn't wait to put me in it. She put it on and made me crawl around on the floor. She loves her sexy feet worshiped so she put that to good use. She makes me fuck her while wearing this because I can't go very fast due to not wanting to hurt myself so I don't get
Got fed up with husband
Got fed up with husband having all the best toys to use on me so bought this to use on him but didn't tell him! I came home from work and he was lying drunk and naked on the bed, so I took my chance. I put him into position and clamped the humbler in to position and then tied his wrists and Elbow's together and waited. When he came round the expression on his face as he realised he was totally helpless and at my mercy was priceless. I quickly decided to make him totally helpless and fastened a spreader bar to his ankles and then to humiliate him further used the head harness that I normally have to wear, with the biggest ball gag fitted and blindfold in place and strapped it onto his by now heavily perspiring head and he was now totally at my mercy. Seeing his vulnerable arse stuck up in the air I couldn't resist so I lubed our biggest dildo and shoved into his tight arse. Judging by the muffled sounds around the gag he wasn't happy but they soon changed to sounds of pleasure as I worked the dildo. After a bit I released the humbler flipped him onto his back and then straddled his by now enormous erection and worked myself to a very,very large ogasm. I then released the ballgag and made him lick our combined juices from my fanny. It was great to be in charge for a change and we both loved it. I can see this humbler getting a lot of use!!
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