Oblazinjene kolenske blazinice MEO® za človeške mladiče ščitijo kolena in so nepogrešljiv pripomoček za vsakega mladiča.
Oblazinjene kolenske blazinice MEO® za človeške mladiče ščitijo kolena in so nepogrešljiv pripomoček za vsakega mladiča.
Izdelane iz elastične najlonske mešanice, se anatomsko prilegajo in preprečujejo poškodbe, ko je kuža na vseh štirih. Kužki, ki se pogosto in dlje časa igrajo na kolenih, poznajo težavo: nenehno drsenje po kolenih je na dolgi rok precej boleče. Pri tem lahko pomagajo kolenske blazinice MEO®. Kolenske blazinice se preprosto nataknejo čez koleno in ščitijo občutljive kolenske sklepe pred udarci in pritiski.
Kolenska podloga Bad Puppy je visokokakovostna vsestranska in ima zaščitno cono. Kolenska blazina je opremljena tudi z materialnim vložkom, ki zagotavlja mehko in udobno oblazinjenje
V kolekciji BADPUPPY lahko najdete tudi ujemajoče se rokavice in pesti Puppy.
Dodatne informacije:
Fantastic addition not just for puppy play
I was delighted with this set of knee pads, they are both functional and a fantastic addition not just for puppy play but for anything that involves kneeling. They make doing so much more comfortable, and their generous dimensions make them ideal for a wide range of users.
If you spend time on your knees or your submissive does then getting a pair of these great knee pads is an excellent idea. Trust me, your submissive/pup will thank you.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/bad-puppy-knee-pads-for-human-pup-play-review.html
A great set of knee pads with so many uses
I love my set of Bad Puppy Knee Pads, they are very comfortable to wear, even for extended periods of time. They keep my knees warm and comfortable when kneeling or when indulging in a bit of pet play. The little dog tag that comes with the set is to die for, it is so cute and is now on my collar. The best thing about this set of knee pads is that they are not just for puppy play, any sex act that involves kneeling can be made so much more comfortable. Thanks Meo.
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