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Ball Stretcher


Extreme Ball Stretcher Cage

Izjemen dragulj BDSM, fantastičen ball stretcher in hkrati prava kletka za "družinske dragulje" - njegova moda. Učinkovito in vizualno privlačno so testisi zaklenjeni za rešetkami in izpostavljeni nepopustljivi sili zemlje.... skoraj pol kilograma.

Več informacij


na voljo

    Več informacij

    Izjemen dragulj BDSM, fantastičen ball stretcher in hkrati prava kletka za "družinske dragulje" - njegova moda. Učinkovito in vizualno privlačno so testisi zaprti za rešetkami in izpostavljeni nepopustljivi sili gravitacije.... in to s skoraj pol kilograma.


    Ta prav poseben ball stretcher se zapira s šestilom - ključ je seveda priložen.


    Kaj je tako posebnega pri kletki Extreme ball stretcher Cage?


    Petelinji obroček in njegove funkcije so večini naših strank seveda dobro poznane. Zagotavlja zastajanje krvi v penisu in s tem zagotavlja trdnejšo in dolgotrajnejšo erekcijo. Naš ball stretcher s kletko za moda pa ima poleg izjemno stimulativnega tudi psihološki učinek, ki ga ne smemo podcenjevati. Uporablja se lahko na različne načine za BDSM, čistost, "CBT", "baloniranje" in "fizioterapijo".


    Ko je mošnja rahlo raztegnjena, je to predvsem intenziven občutek ugodja, ki stimulira uporabnika balončka. Koža mošnje postane občutljivo bolj občutljiva na dotik, občutki pa se zaznavajo veliko bolj intenzivno. Na primer, uporabite lahko enega od naših posebnih vibratorjev, ki ga pritrdite na palice kletke, napolnite kletko od znotraj, pritrdite dodatne uteži na kletko ali celo priključite napravo za stimulacijski tok. Ekstremna kletka ball stretcher pa ima izjemen učinek tudi na sam vrhunec. Raztezanje mošnjička med orgazmom je zaznano kot še posebej intenzivno. Kakovost orgazma dejansko postane veliko močnejša in osupljivo intenzivna.


    Več podrobnosti:


    • Notranji premer petelinjega obroča: približno 38 mm
    • Višina obročka: približno 25 mm
    • Notranji premer kletke: približno 90 mm
    • Višina kletke: 100 mm
    • Skupna teža: približno 530 gramov
    • Material: nerjavno jeklo
    • Priporočamo, da kletko Extreme ball stretcher pred in po uporabi očistite z našim razpršilom INSTACLEAN.

    To bi vas lahko zanimalo tudi:



    very sexy

    once mounted - which ist not so easy - it feels sexy af. i can wear it for hours and it increases my hornyness. the cage itself is slightly too large while the entrance to it may not be smaller.


      Great quality

      The overall concept is great. And I largely agree with previous comments.
      My only comments are (a) that the cage is too large. It should be smaller--both to contain the balls more tightly (or are mine just too small?) and to make it easier to wear under clothes for long periods of time. (b) it could be heavier.
      Certainly, once the sub boi is locked in it, it should remain in it.

      • 1 od 1 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

      Powerful and beautiful

      A lovely complement to this slaves chastity cage. Excellent quality and powerful appearance. Lovely weight so it reminds itself all the time. Will gracethis slaves balls often and long.


        Five stars aren't enough!

        I thought I had experienced the pinnacle of BDSM toys, but boy was I wrong! The Extreme Ballstretcher Cage has completely revolutionized my intimate sessions. First, the craftsmanship and design - it's not just a tool, it's a work of art, beautifully constructed to cage the balls.

        Now for the sensation. The half-kilo weight gives you that gravity-induced thrill that can't be put into words. Not only does the cage tease and entice visually, it magnifies every sensation. Whether it's the touch of a finger, the vibration of a toy, or just the air around you, everything feels a hundred times more electrifying.

        The psychological effect, especially during BDSM sessions, cannot be underestimated. It's dominance and submission in a perfect package. And the feeling at climax? Life changing. By intensifying the stretch during orgasm, the experience becomes prolonged and overwhelmingly intense.

        Using the built-in hex screw provides a sense of security, knowing it's firmly in place. And I must say, exploring the various ways to incorporate this piece into my play - be it with vibrators, additional weights, or e-stim devices - has been an exciting journey of discovery.

        In short, if you're looking to enhance your intimate moments, this Ballstretcher Cage is your ticket to uncharted territories of pleasure. Five stars just isn't enough!

        • 1 od 1 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

        Comfortable and good quality

        I've had various ball-stretchers and this is one of my favourites - its quite big so it's not for first-timers, but if you're into this kind of play then it does the job well!

        • 1 od 1 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.


        Does exactly what it is intended for!! Twelve hours of use !! And is amazing…. Hopefully it will be thrilling me for a long time !

        • 1 od 1 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

        Molto contento

        Lo trovo esattamente come nella descrizione.


          geile Gefühle und fantastische Optik

          In meinem Toy-Sortiment befinden sich aus dem MEO-Sortiment schon viele Teile wie Ballstretcher und Ballsplitter, die ich mir in Abständen gern für einige Zeit anlege. So geordnet finde ich mein Genital sehr gut und berührungssensibel präsentiert. Mit diesem gewichtigen Käfig mit Stretch-Funktion hat MEO eine neue Qualität im Sortiment, die sicherlich viele Herren und auch mich anspricht und begeistert. Meine Dame ist vom gestretchten Sack immer beeindruckt, diesmal kann sie aber nur schauen, nicht anfassen.

          • 2 od 2 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

          The weight I love it!

          The weight on my balls is amazing. Kind of different walking while dressed, but it's doable. Note: be easy on your lover. That's a good amount of weight that gets swinging and banging her. I also like hanging extra off of it.

          • 4 od 4 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.


          Great,wouldn’t want it any smaller

          • 3 od 3 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

          Awesome purchase

          This was worth every penny, amazing piece of dungeon equipment!

          • 3 od 3 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

          Geiles Ding

          Top verarbeitet und genau das was ich gebraucht habe! Gewicht genau richtig. Ich befestige unten am Käfig noch ein paar Military Boots. Wirklich geiles Ding

          • 4 od 4 strank je našlo ta pregled koristen.

          Napišite svoj pregled

          Extreme Ball Stretcher Cage

          Extreme Ball Stretcher Cage

          Izjemen dragulj BDSM, fantastičen ball stretcher in hkrati prava kletka za "družinske dragulje" - njegova moda. Učinkovito in vizualno privlačno so testisi zaklenjeni za rešetkami in izpostavljeni nepopustljivi sili zemlje.... skoraj pol kilograma.

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