Analni čep Black Big Boy je originalni izdelek podjetja MEO iz Nemčije in bo navdušil tako moške kot ženske! Serijo Big Boy sestavljajo analni čepi različnih velikosti, ki s svojo posebno obliko zagotavljajo dosledno analno vadbo. Takoj po vstavitvi je mogoče občutiti intenzivno analno raztezanje, ki se stopnjuje tem globlje, čim globlje prodre črni analni čep Big Boy.
Analni čep Black Big Boy je originalni izdelek podjetja MEO iz Nemčije in bo navdušil tako moške kot ženske! Serijo Big Boy sestavljajo analni čepi različnih velikosti, ki s svojo posebno obliko zagotavljajo dosledno analno vadbo. Takoj po vstavitvi je mogoče občutiti intenzivno analno raztezanje, ki se stopnjuje tem globlje, čim globlje prodre analni čep Black Big Boy. Priporoča MEO, specialist za analno raztezanje.
Fantazije o globoki penetraciji in maksimalnem analnem raztezanju končno postanejo resničnost z našim analnim čepom. Ta analni čep je kot nalašč za solo igro, analno raztezanje in analno urjenje (primeren za profesionalce in začetnike)
Naši analni čepi vam bodo všeč, ker so anatomsko oblikovani in se prilegajo globlje, udobneje in veliko bolj popolno kot drugi analni čepi. Ta anatomsko popolnoma prilegajoči se analni čep je na voljo v 5 različnih velikostih, od majhne do zelo velike, zato ne pušča neizpolnjenih želja.
Izdelani so iz najboljšega silikona z brezšivno, gladko površino, zato jih je mogoče enostavno in še posebej globoko vstaviti. Njihova posebna oblika zagotavlja varno prileganje; posebna podlaga ne zagotavlja le dodatne stimulacije perineja, temveč tudi to, da lahko analni čep udobno in diskretno nosite pod oblačili. To velja tudi za velikost XXL! Z našimi čepki postane celo sedenje dih jemajoč analni užitek.
Analne čepke lahko uporabljate z vsemi lubrikanti na vodni osnovi MEO®. Primerni so za dolgotrajno uporabo (24 ur na dan, 7 dni v tednu) in so popolni za analno raztezanje (od začetnika do velikosti WHOW ... res velike luknje)!
Encore plus
Incroyables ces plugs
J ai commencé par le L que j ai bien apprécié , le but étant de m entraîner à la dilatation anale afin de pouvoir me faire prendre par de très grosses bites
Je suis ensuite passé au model XL aujourd’hui
À ma grande surprise j ai réussi à m introduire en forçant un peu néanmoins
Si ça se passe aussi bien qu avec le L j envisagerai le modèle xxl
The best stretching plug ever to exist
I've bought an Large version of this one and loved it immediately. Since I've been having a hard time stretching past 6cm width, this one was an amazing experience. In regard to the long shaft, I've got it in on the first try and it just feels amazing having it inside me. It took some effort, but I got stretched on my own terms. With the L version still inside me, I went online and ordered an XL version, and can't wait for it to arrive!
Molto molto carina la forma
Molto molto carina la forma...proverò anche la misura più grande
These are an ideal means to safely stretch and develop
Have progressed from Medium to XXL in the past four months. Each step up has been an absolute pleasure and extremely fulfilling. These are an ideal means to safely stretch and develop
5 stars
This arrived the day after I ordered, 5 stars.
The plug itself? Amazing. It fills me without overly stretching. I think I'll be able to wear it for a long time after I douche....Really, really pleased. Can't wait to go bigger.
Never had a more comfortable plug
Never had a more comfortable plug... Gonna have to start ordering bigger and bigger..
Nice plugs. But...
...with a design flaw on the bigger models!
I first ordered the small and medium variants and I was very satisfied. They are so fucking comfortable, even after hours of continuous use - 5/5 stars.
Then I stocked up and bought the plugs in large and extra large. Unfortunately they aren't very comfortable any more. Not because of the bigger diameters, but because of their unchanged shape!
The bigger plugs are just scaled up versions of the smaller ones. The problem with this approach is, that now the "neck" becomes to long and, even worse, the "special base" becomes to thick. I no longer sit on my butt-cheeks while a nice plug is stretching my hole, but rather sit directly on the plugs base, which is thereby forcefully pushed inside. Not very enjoyable and definitely not suitable for long-time use!
small: 5/5 stars
medium: 4,5/5 stars
large: 3/5 stars
x-large: 3/5 stars
bon produit en tout
bon produit en tout
Preso come regalo, non pensavo fosse così grande. Ma credo che chi lo riceverà ne resterà soddisfatto!
Molto confortevole e morbido al punto giusto. Fantastico
Molto confortevole e morbido al punto giusto. Fantastico
J avais commande le L , puis je suis passé au XL . Ces plugs sont géniaux , la matière est souple et agréable et honnêtement je jouis carrément du cul chaque fois que je me pluggue avec ..
Geiles teil
Angenehmed weiches Gefühl, trägt sich gut, leicht einzuführen. Macht mich richtig scharf nach mehr. Das was es zu verbessern gebe der Fuß flutscht viel zu leicht mit in die Rosette könnte etwas größer ausgeführt sein.
Facile à incerer et bon remplissage (XL)
Très agréable et facile à s'introduire. Sa texture gel très souple fait que mon XL de 75mm passe facilement dans mon anus pourtant travaillé avec des jouets de 65mm "seulement". En revanche, une fois à l'intérieur, il prend bien sa place et je sens bien que c'est bien plus gros que les autres. Je suis comblé.
Je me tâte à passer au XXL
OMG. this feels so nice
OMG. this feels so nice sitting while I do my boring desk job. It makes the day of dealing with stupid people much nicer.
I've been wearing my Big Boy Plug for weeks all day
I've been wearing my Big Boy Plug for weeks all day every day and sometimes all night. It's great befor and after stretching, the best way to set it in is to dry around the outside of the base once it's in, squat down insert it with AQUAMEO, dry around the outside of base, then stand up, lock your knees, take a step forwards on your heels to bring feet almost together then bend forward with knees bent and back straight then put your arms behind your back till teir tough together then straighten your arms out then lift and separate your cheeks then breath in and wiggle it with your middle fingers to get it straight then breath out till it's right in then drop your cheek down and stand up while you breath in and out again while you go up on your toes and bring your heels together then it will stay for as long as you need! Just set and forget!!
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69,99 €
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99,99 €