Uporabljamo različne piškotke, ki jih najdete v spodnjem izboru. Potrebni piškotki so nujni za delovanje našega spletnega mesta in so zato privzeto nastavljeni. Vsi ostali piškotki nam pomagajo oblikovati našo spletno ponudbo v skladu z vašimi potrebami in jo nenehno izboljševati. Statistični piškotki nam z anonimnim zbiranjem informacij pomagajo razumeti, kako obiskovalci komunicirajo z našim spletnim mestom. Trženjski piškotki nam omogočajo izboljšanje predlaganih izdelkov na našem spletnem mestu. Te piškotke lahko upravljate tako, da kliknete spodnji gumb. Do nastavitev lahko kadar koli dostopate na našem spletnem mestu in jih ustrezno spremenite.
Za več informacij si oglejte naš pravilnik o zasebnosti .
Od 18
Naslednje strani so namenjene samo odraslim. Z VSTOPOM potrjujete, da ste stari vsaj 18 let.
A stunning collar to complement my magnetic personality
I love the cold feel of steel when it's against my skin and this one delivers that feeling well. It's also quite substantial and so you really know it's there, its weight and hardness are a constant reminder of its presence and that is one of the things that I really like about it.
This is my second metal collar and it is now my favourite. It looks incredible and makes me feel so submissive. I love its snug fit and the look of it around my neck. Its two magnets hold it securely closed and it really does get some nice admiring looks when people see me wearing it. If you are looking for a metal collar that is almost a fashion statement then this is definitely one to consider.
Read full review: http://www.sexmachinereviews.co.uk/euphoria-collar-with-ball-clasp-steel-fetish-collar-review.html
Das "Aufsetzen" dieses Eichelrings gelingt sehr einfach. Der elastische Eichelring sitzt gut straff in der Kranzfurche, so dass sich die Eichel besonders gut mit Blut prall füllt. Die Spermabremse ist schmerzfrei einzuführen und sitzt genial gut. Bei der Penetration stört sie nicht, aber beim Erguss leistet sie einen geil-spürbaren Widerstand. Meine Dame genießt gern die extrapralle Eichel. Zudem erfreut sie sich an meinem besonders intensiven Orgasmus. Wir haben etliche Toys, aber dieser Eichelring ist einer der wichtigen Favoriten.
Apparently it works.. as i have not told my boyfriend i am using it and he said to me one day .... are you bleaching yr a** or something bc its so pink! all the other good reviews are correct and I am glad I decided to make the purchase
This is the perfect size for anyone interested in sounding or cumming into someone's cock. At 8mm, it's just right for fitting into most people. There is a chance for a bit of stretching, but with patience, it will go in quite easily into both men. Make sure to use lubricant that is at the very least clear and sugar-free. Try to go for sterile lubricant in order to prevent urinary tract infections.
Once it is in there, it's simply a matter of jerking off easily. You have to remember you have an item inside that has the potential to scrape. So jerking off easily is a must to prevent scraping the urethra and the major urination pain afterward. It does help to practice without a second guy attached so you can get used to using the sound inside of you.
The sound, at least for me, got noticeably warmer immediately before I ejaculated. The first time you use it, it might scare you a little bit. Just know this is quite normal or at least it was normal for me. Cum passes through amazingly well.
Finally, make sure to drink PLENTY of water and urinate (pee) while sitting down. You'll thank me for this later. There is potential for painful (stinging, really) urination afterward for several hours, particularly if you scraped the urethra. Going while sitting down helps in case you scraped or overstretched.
Aufgrund der sehr positiven Rezensionen in englischer Sprache, habe ich mir diese Maske bei MEO bestellt. Sie hat eine wirklich super Qualität, das Leder ist sehr weich und die Bondage-Maske ist angenehm tragbar. Sie lässt genug Luft durch um entspannt atmen zu können. Männer oder Frauen die unter Platzangst leiden, sollten diese extreme Maske lieber nicht benutzen, da die diversen Gurte einzeln abgeschlossen werden, und es einige Zeit dauert, bis alles geöffnet ist und die Maske wieder vom Kopf ist. Auch werde Geräusche von außeren sehr gut gedämpft, so dass der Sub nicht allzuviel mitbekommt. Zusätzlich nutzte ich jedoch noch die schwarzen Ohrenstöpsel von MEO. Ein sehr gelungenes Produkt, daß ich für Fortgeschrittene sehr empfehlen kann.